Incitus Group represents member-based non-profit associations with local, regional, or national operations. Our ideal client is too large to depend solely on volunteers to run the organization, and too small to warrant the overhead of a full-time staff and office. Our services are comprehensive, responsive, and proactive, leaving no void in any aspect of running and enabling an organization to reach its full potential.
- Board Meeting Materials
- Preparation
- Minutes
- Venue Sourcing/Logistics
- Promotion
- Speaker Sourcing/Management
- Sponsor Sourcing/Management
- Registration (Pre- and On-site)
- Monitoring/Routing Mail
- Answering Phone
- Member & Prospect Inquires/Support
- Database Maintenance
- Meeting Reports & Analysis
- Storage (Offsite & Electronic)
- Invoicing
- Deposits
- Payables
- Monthly Financials
- Event Notices
- Website Maintenance/Updates
- Event Signage
- Newsletters
- Collateral